Posted by: TaRg3t | 18/08/2010

My Nan’s Spirit Stories

Ok, if you havent read my personal stories first. I recommend you reading then first here: My Personal Ghost Stories

In my childhood my Nan had told me many strange stories. Most of them connected to spirits. I am very fascinated in them and I’m sure that mostly everyone who’s reading this now is too. Now lets get straight to the story:

My Nan’s brother had recently died. My Nan’s brother and his wife lived in a house with a stain-glass window on the front. The picture on the window was of a robin. Now his wife had a locket which she’d place on her bedside table at night. It had no picture inside, but this would soon change. Imagine putting a locket on your bedside table, just before you went to sleep, and to wake up to find that its open. This is what was happening, constantly. I faintly remember my nan telling me that his wife even watched it open on one occasion! Anyway, his wife told my Nan what was happening and My Nan instantly knew what it was,

“That’s (My Nan’s Brother) telling you to put a picture of him in the locket” His wife put a picture of him in there and guess what, it never opened up again (on it’s own, of course)

Other one is that My Nan’s Brother’s Wife told my Nan (still with me?) that when she opened up door a white butterfly flew in. My Dad said that that was an angel or something, I can’t remember…

Ok, now it’s time to rewind. When My Nan’s Brother was in hospital talking to the docter he suddenly looked the other way to face a chair next to his bed. The docter asked what was the matter, his reply was

“Oh my Mom’s here now.” And strangely his Mom wasn’t alive anymore…

If your not confused yet, trying going forward in time again, I think to his funeral. Now I am not sure and I just wanted to make this clear but remember when I said that he had a robin on his window? Well whenever my Nan and Grandad was about to go into this building they said a robin landed right in front of them. Again my Nan knew what it was again. My Nan said that that wasn’t the only time a robin made itself known. It appeared (or twirped) on random places.

 When my Grandad sits in the exact same place as where My Nan’s Brother used to sit, he said he felt “someone” touch his hair.


Now back at my Nan’s house. My Nan has said that she saw many things. Once she saw some babys legs, toddle accross her kitchen when she bent down to get something out of the freezer. Another time she said she saw a boys legs run up last few steps of the stairs. According to my Nan, he had grey socks pulled upto his knees (World War 2?). This boy (she has named Jack) messes with the smoke alarms (he makes them beep constantly at night, my Aunty said that he was making them do it apparently)

They are all the stories my Nan had told me, hopefully you enjoyed/found them strange too. Again, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared your stories (please make sure that they true). Thank you


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